Linux Learning(2) - Hugo and Git Rebase

What is Hugo? Hugo provides sample website templates, which include instructions in simple English language on how to fill in different sections. Once that is complete, Hugo will automatically generate the html code for the website using the template. The website can then be published using a url domain such as one from github. How?** Once template has been filled out, the static page can be build using code below:

Linux Learning(1) - Git Push

What is Hugo? To push changes of website from .md to github through git First time: 1. git init 2. git add . 3. git status 4. git commit -m "first commit" 5. git branch -M main 6. git remote add origin 7. git push -u origin main After origin and main has been initialized: 1. git status 2. git add <file> 3. git rm <file> 4. git status 5.