Ballet and Physics?

My ballet teacher give me an interesting food of thought today. Physics. Physics, unlike chemistry and biology, do not require

Januaray 2022 Week 1

First day of school today, it was really nice seeing friends and teachers today. Also this week is Student Appriciation Week and I got a cool BISV canvas bag. It was really nice seeing everyone walk around campus with their bag Jan 4, 2022 5:45 got home 5:45 - 6:00 reviewed material for Math Counts session 6:00 - 7:00 BISV Math Counts review session 5, I talked about advanced topic such as mass points, advanced probablity, and intersecting chords/secants and other circle topics 7:30 - 8:00 ate dinner, mommy cooked delicious fried yellow croaker, played with brother Jan 5, 2022

Goals for 2022

2021 Reflection Proud SRA Lots of progress in CS learning and projects Spent lots of value time with brother Not Proud Not very time efficient Not satisfied with AP scores 2022 Last 2 year of high school Time of college admission!!! Goals All 5 on AP which still need some work so heres a daily plan/goal for myself 15 daily exercising/stretching 20 min French - read 1 Le Monde article, 5 vocab words and 5 sentences summary 20 min Lit - learn 10 new word (5 min), read some classics (15 min) 20 min Math - ≥5 problems in high AMC 12 - high AIME level

AI and Music

Professor Roger B. Dannenberg Co-creator of Audacity! Future in AI and Music Humans are driven by an innate desire to achieve automation, this includes the field of music Three main areas of exploration create sound Generate new type of sound by incorporating computer to make new instruments Example Utilize robotics to preform instruments Create electronic instruments such as electric piano and guitar create music Computer-generated music score re-create and extend music performance practice By inputting a huge database of repertoires by a certain composer and using a machine learning model to have the computer “learn” the style of the composer and to create music in the style of deceased artists Combination of performance model and instrument model to create performances from music scores.

ASDRP Predict Next Word

In the fall of 2021, I joined Aspiring Scholars Directed Research Program (ASDRP) under its Computer Science & Engineering department and more specifically, data science, with my mentor Suresh Subramaniam. Over the course of three month, my group and I put together a natural language project that can predict the next word given an initial string and presented our findings in the program’s weekly Colloquia meeting to an audience of around 200 people.

French Revolution Ugly Xmas Sweatshirt

Last day of school before christmas break, my AP World History: Modern teacher challenged us to wear an Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt with props from the French Revolution attached to it. I Liberty cap - revolution uniform worn by the Paris residents to represent their loyalty to the revolution that symbolizes freedom and liberty. ricolor cockade - the three colors of France, red, white, and blue, that became the official symbol of the revolution and represent the three estates of French society.