Eight scores ago, President Lincoln said “Most folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be” and I am determined to squeeze every drop of happiness there is in my sponge.
Project Summaries
1. Music Dataset
A platform that collects people’s emotional responses after listening to classical music. By labeling music with traditionally subjective tags, I hope the dataset can solve the complexity involved in the abstract components of music, making it compatible to be analyzed and classified by computer.
2. Market Youth Musicians
A student run organization in the bay area that provide performance opportunities for youth musicians playing at the Farmers Market while raising money for charities.
3. Predict Next Word
Research Project done with Aspiring Scholars Directed Research Program. Natural language processing that uses LSTM to predict the next words in a sentence given a starter string.
4. Music Generation
Research project done with Summer Research Academies in UCSB. Predicts the next few notes of a musical melody with an initial input using an LSTM model.
5. BISV Math Circle
Some worksheets that I wrote for BISV high school and middle school circles.